Saturday 3 May 2014

Two New Projects!

I recently met with the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Unit, UCLH Charity to discuss potential projects for Lauren's Fund. I'm very excited to announce that two additional projects will be supported.


This is a physio-led exercise programme for bone marrow transplant patients. The aim is to encourage patients to take gentle exercise to maintain muscle tone and, importantly, stay motivated. Spending many weeks at a time in hospital (in protective isolation) makes it very hard to exercise, but I know the importance of keeping active and hope this project will benefit others too.


This scheme aims to provide more leadership capacity on the wards. Treating haematological disorders demands highly responsive and effective nursing care. Nursing clinical leadership is key to ensuring patients receive the best care. During the course of my treatment, it was invaluable to have nurses who were incredibly responsive, efficient and compassionate. It's so important that these nurses are retained and I'm delighted that this project will help to achieve this.

I will share further details about these projects when they are implemented.